Q&A Spotlight: Carrie Schanen

Q: Tell us about yourself! 

A: I have lived in Southeast Wisconsin my whole life. I attended Lakeland University in Sheboygan where I played soccer for the Muskies and majored in Business Administration. I have seven kids, two that were added to our family through international adoption nearly five years ago. We also have a sweet dog, Basia, that can be mistaken for a small polar bear and three chickens I named Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. My weekends are filled with family and mostly my kids’ sporting events. You’ll often see me in red, black and white spirit wear as my uniform on the weekends. We love it and will absolutely miss it when they are all out of the house. Thankfully, with my husband coaching wrestling we’ll get many more years past our kids being involved to be entrenched in it all. 

I love traveling with my family and exploring new places, as well as heading up north to relax and hang out at the lake. I love exercising and playing soccer and I still play in an over 30 women’s league in the area. Some fun facts about me are that I love a spicy chai latte and I was on a water ski show team for over a decade, climbing pyramids and in the ballet line. I also graduated from college in three years instead of four.  

Q: What year did you join Best Version Media? What did you do for work before joining BVM?

A: I joined BVM in 2013 and have had two roles. When I started, I was hired as an Administrative Assistant helping where it was needed. I brought my own laptop from home and sat on a couch as my “desk”. I was the third employee in the door. Two months into work, I was the first Director at BVM starting the Market Development Team and remained in that role until September 2020 when I transitioned to the Director of Training and Development. Prior to BVM, I was a stay-at-home mom and had owned an in-home daycare, and I worked for a chiropractor before that. 

Q: What is your favorite aspect about working at BVM?

A: Starting out as early as I did, my favorite aspect was being able to shape and create so much of what we still have and use. I was able to help build the culture of what it means to work for BVM, and at the same time help develop the early processes and procedures that are still in use. In my new role, my favorite part is getting to help bring in people new to the business. I help set the stage for what they can expect, help them through training and equip them for this new journey. I enjoy being a resource for them as they find their groove in BVM. I love meeting new people and building relationships, so this role is a great fit for me in that respect.

Q: Describe your role as the Director of Training and Development. What are the main responsibilities of your team? 

A: Our team is responsible for the facilitation and administration of all training that happens for BVM. A good chunk of that falls into bringing new Publishers into the opportunity, but we also help support the higher level training for our Division Managers and Market Managers as well as continuing to educate our Publishers as they grow. 

Q: If you could say one thing to our Publishers, what would you say? 

A: First of all, I feel continuously blessed to work with the best people. From our staff to the sales field, it’s still awe-inspiring to learn and grow alongside each of you. The Publisher journey isn’t for everyone and understandably so. It takes a bit of grit, determination and courage to begin and find success. I have nothing but admiration for those of you that put in the work and are able to continue to lean in, grow and continue to crush it. I’m always cheering you on!

Q: Who or what keeps you motivated?  

A: This one has to be my favorite human: my husband. We are a team in every way, shape, and form. We can lean on each other, be a listening ear, help solve problems, and we just work together so well. I have long admired his work ethic, drive, and humble heart. He helps keep me grounded and keeps me motivated to help meet our goals.

Q: Describe the BVM culture in your own words. 

A: BVM is an unbelievable place to work. I’m given the autonomy to do my job and do it well. I’m so grateful for the family-first atmosphere, fun-loving spirit and to work with people of such high integrity. It’s something very special.

Q: What have you gained from working at BVM? 

A: I’ve gained so many sweet friendships through BVM and I have grown professionally over the last decade. BVM has given me space to lead, grow, make mistakes and learn from them, and to flourish. I’ve raised two departments from the ground up and BVM has given me the opportunity to continue to grow as a leader and person.

Q: What does it take to become a successful Publisher with BVM?   

A: While success looks a bit different for each person that comes into the opportunity, I think the desire to learn and grow are key factors. I do think you have to have a bit of courage to try something new and to maybe even to fail at first – that takes quite a bit of courage and resilience.

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